What is Lithromantic ?

A guide to Lithromancy, written by a lithromantic, for lithro's and non-lithromantics alike!

What is Lithromantic ?

Lithromantic (also known as akoiromantic or apromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Lithromanticism describes romantic attraction without the desire for reciprocation.The word "lithromantic," coined by Ian (stopanthropomorphizingme on Tumblr) comes from the Greek word lithos, which means "stone." This is an allusion to the stone sexual identity, which originated with butch lesbians and transmasculine people.Lithromantic experiences may include:

  • Feeling romantic attraction that fades upon being reciprocated

  • Feeling romantic attraction but preferring not to act on it

  • Experiencing discomfort upon entering a romantic relationship with a crush

  • Loss of interest in potential or actual partners when they romantically initiate

  • Fantasizing about romance but preferring it only in theory, not in practice

Since Lithromantic is on the aromantic spectrum, it can also be applied to other things. You can be Lithromantic and asexual, or Lesbian, Gay, Trans, etc. As it isn't a whole identity of its own (Although it can be if the person desires)Lithromantic can be a romantic orientation on its own or combined with other orientations. For example, one could be lithromantic and homoromantic, meaning that when one does experience romantic attraction it's only towards people of the same gender.Amarusith, the label for those who are Lithromantic or Lithosexual, but require a long relationship or friendship with the person long before they could possibly be a potential partner, and immediately losing interest if they act before these feelings could possibly develop. And feeling disgusted in the person for attempting a relationship out of your comfort zone, have needed to be friends for a very long time or develop a personal connection beforehand

Lithromantic people can also feel love to certain people and don't hate or feel discomfort at the idea of engaging in said relationship, almost every aromantic, asexual and aroace person I've met has had their moments of meeting a certain person where they can feel love or attraction, whether it is sexual, romantic or both! You're allowed to feel and experiment. There's no wrong in engaging in relationships or experimenting with them, figuring out the rest is up to you and you only.If you're already in a relationship, you're still allowed to use this label! And you're allowed to engage in relationships even if you're lithro. Having exceptions is perfectly fine. Aromantic people can still love, Asexuals can still have sex, and more important both can like it! You are not required to be completely devoid of these feelings to fit into the category of Asexual, Aromantic, Aroace OR Lithromantic!The sexual counterpart to lithromantic is lithosexual.Lithromanticism can be considered the opposite of cupioromanticism, which means you are aromantic but still desire a romantic relationship.Due to a claim of appropriating lesbian culture the term lithromantic has been replaced with akoiromantic. Currently both terms are used interchangeably.

The Lithromantic flag, made by Ian (stopanthropomorphizingme on Tumblr)
>> Twibbon <<

The Akiromantic Flag
(made by @KA0STHE0RY_)
>> Twibbon <<

The Lithosexual Flag
(made by @KA0STHE0RY_)
>> Twibbon <<

The Unlabelled Lith Flag
(made by @KA0STHE0RY_)
>> Twibbon <<

The Amarusith Flag
(made by @KA0STHE0RY_)
>> Twibbon <<


A lot of people might see these labels as having "Standards" or not liking "hook up culture" as most aro or ace identities, and that's not the case. A lot of Aro, Ace and Lithro people will get into relationships or have sex freely, but still require effort and time to properly develop real feelings. Much like Demisexual and Demiaromantic, Lithromancy cannot be easily defined as "having standards" or being picky.A lot of people spend time and effort misrepresenting Aro and Ace labels, so please use this carrd and this carrd only if you're unsure or have heard some bogus bullshit on tiktok or tumblr. Lithromantic is a perfectly valid label, it defines what a lot of people experience and have no idea that there's even a label for it.You'd be surprised how many people have read this carrd and found out that everything they've been feeling was real and represented in the Aro and Ace community, that's what this carrd is for. Education. Even if this carrd doesn't apply to you personally please feel free to share or show people who you think might, or just to educate people further on the subject of Micro labels that need better representation and better education available to people who are questioning and learning.You are never alone in this journey. You will always have people at your side, and you should never be afraid to be who your heart tells you are.

Only you can make that decision, and only you decide. Don't let anyone tell you that you're broken or just "haven't found the right person yet"Its a journey of self-discovery, take your time. And if you believe you are, i'd highly suggest taking in on your own research into what Lithromancy is, as its all an individual experienceThink of this card as less of a checklist, meaning that you must apply to all, think of yourself and what this term and label mean to you. If you found your lithro because of this card, I'm glad to have helped! But this is YOUR journey and only you can decide what feels best.Good luck, Kudos to you reader!

Made by @KA0STHE0RY_ on twitter